FINNEAS - Hurt Locker
[Verse 1]
Close up on your lips, lyin' to me
Close up on your lips, lyin' to me
Tutup bibirmu, kau berbohong kepadaku
Sayin’ I'm with you, wherever you'll be
Sayin’ I'm with you, wherever you'll be
Katakan aku bersamamu, dimanapun kau berada
A jumpcut to the bed we used to share
A jumpcut to the bed we used to share
Sebuah jumpcut ke tempat tidur yang kita gunakan untuk berbagi
Before you had the baby and I cut off my hair
Before you had the baby and I cut off my hair
Sebelum kau memiliki bayi dan aku memotong rambut ku
What’s a life without the consequences?
What’s a life without the consequences?
Apalah artinya hidup tanpa konsekuensi?
What's a knife without the sharpened edges?
What's a knife without the sharpened edges?
Apalah arti pisau tanpa ujung yang tajam?
Did I cut the wrong wire today?
Did I cut the wrong wire today?
Apakah aku memotong kabel yang salah hari ini?
Did I set it on fire? The way
Did I set it on fire? The way
Apakah aku membakarnya? Jalan
Scotland burned in '44
Scotland burned in '44
Skotlandia terbakar pada tahun '44
Like I never learned to leave a war
Like I never learned to leave a war
Seperti aku tidak pernah belajar untuk meninggalkan perang
I just keep comin' back for more
I just keep comin' back for more
Aku terus kembali untuk lebih banyak lagi
For more
For more
Untuk lebih
[Verse 2]
A wide shot of the aisle of a grocery store
[Verse 2]
A wide shot of the aisle of a grocery store
Bidikan lebar lorong toko kelontong
Panned down to the crooked wheel on the dirty white floor
Panned down to the crooked wheel on the dirty white floor
Digeser ke roda bengkok di lantai putih yang kotor
Maybe all I'll ever be is a cameo here
Maybe all I'll ever be is a cameo here
Mungkin aku hanya akan menjadi cameo di sini
A face a crowd might recognize, it comes on twice a year
A face a crowd might recognize, it comes on twice a year
Wajah yang mungkin dikenali orang banyak, muncul dua kali setahun
And then I disappear
And then I disappear
Dan kemudian aku menghilang
Did I cut the wrong wire today?
Can we take a walk before you walk away?
Did I cut the wrong wire today?
Apakah aku memotong kabel yang salah hari ini?
Did I set it on fire? The way
Did I set it on fire? The way
Apakah aku membakarnya? Jalan
Scotland burned in '44
Scotland burned in '44
Skotlandia terbakar pada tahun '44
Like I never learned to leave a war
Like I never learned to leave a war
Seperti aku tidak pernah belajar untuk meninggalkan perang
I just keep comin' back for more
Aku terus kembali untuk lebih banyak lagiI just keep comin' back for more
Can we take a walk before you walk away?
Bisakah kita berjalan-jalan sebelum kau pergi?
Can we try to talk, or will you call it fake?
Can we try to talk, or will you call it fake?
Bisakah kita mencoba untuk berbicara, atau akankah kau menyebutnya palsu?
Can we take a walk before you walk away?
Can we take a walk before you walk away?
Bisakah kita berjalan-jalan sebelum kau pergi?
Walk away
Walk away
What’s a life without the consequences?
Did I cut the wrong wire today?
What’s a life without the consequences?
Apalah artinya hidup tanpa konsekuensi?
What's a knife without the sharpened edges?
Apalah arti pisau tanpa ujung yang tajam?What's a knife without the sharpened edges?
Did I cut the wrong wire today?
Apakah aku memotong kabel yang salah hari ini?
Did I set it on fire? The way
Did I set it on fire? The way
Apakah aku membakarnya? Jalan
Scotland burned in '44
Scotland burned in '44
Skotlandia terbakar pada tahun '44
Like I never learned to leave a war
Like I never learned to leave a war
Seperti aku tidak pernah belajar untuk meninggalkan perang
I just keep comin' back for more
I just keep comin' back for more
Aku terus kembali untuk lebih banyak lagi
For more
Untuk lebihFor more
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