Mariah Carey - Someday
[Verse 1]
You were so blind to let me go
You were so blind to let me go
Kau sangat buta untuk membiarkan ku pergi
You had it all but did not know
You had it all but did not know
Kau memiliki semuanya tetapi tidak tahu
No one you'll find will ever be
No one you'll find will ever be
Tidak ada yang akan kau temukan
Closer to all your dreams than me
Closer to all your dreams than me
Lebih dekat dengan semua mimpimu dariku
Believing the grass would be greener
Believing the grass would be greener
Percaya rumput akan lebih hijau
You told yourself "I just don't need her now"
You told yourself "I just don't need her now"
Kau berkata pada diri sendiri "aku tidak membutuhkannya sekarang"
But I know you'll soon discover
But I know you'll soon discover
Tetapi aku tahu kau akan segera tahu
You're never satisfied with any other
You're never satisfied with any other
Kau tidak pernah puas dengan yang lain
Someday, ooh someday
Suatu hari nanti, ooh suatu hari nanti
The one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
The one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
Yang kau berikan akan menjadi satu-satunya yang kau inginkan Someday hey, hey
Suatu hari nanti hei, hei
Boy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
Boy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
Sayang, kau akan membayar karena, sayang, akulah yang mencatat skor
[Verse 2]
You'll change your mind and call my name
[Verse 2]
You'll change your mind and call my name
Kau akan berubah pikiran dan menelpon nama ku
As soon as you find they're all the same
As soon as you find they're all the same
Begitu kau menemukan semuanya sama
And when you find yourself alone
And when you find yourself alone
Dan ketika kau menemukan diri mu sendirian
Don't come back crying, you shoulda have known
Don't come back crying, you shoulda have known
Jangan kembali menangis, kau seharusnya sudah tahu
Believe me, I'm not pretending
Believe me, I'm not pretending
Percayalah, aku tidak berpura-pura
It's not hard to predict this ending now
It's not hard to predict this ending now
Tidak sulit untuk memprediksi akhir cerita ini sekarang
Because I know you'll soon discover
Because I know you'll soon discover
Karena aku tahu kau akan segera menemukannya
You're needing me in spite of all the others
You're needing me in spite of all the others
Kau membutuhkan ku terlepas dari semua yang lain
Someday, ooh someday
Someday, ooh someday
Suatu hari nanti, ooh suatu hari nanti
The one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
The one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
Yang kau berikan akan menjadi satu-satunya yang kau inginkan
Someday hey, hey
Someday hey, hey
Suatu hari nanti hei, hei
Boy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
Sayang, kau akan membayar karena, sayang, akulah yang mencatat skor Boy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
Someday, ooh someday
Suatu hari nanti, ooh suatu hari nanti
The one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
The one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
Yang kau berikan akan menjadi satu-satunya yang kau inginkan
Someday hey, hey
Someday hey, hey
Suatu hari nanti hei, hei
Boy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
Sayang, kau akan membayar karena, sayang, akulah yang mencatat skorBoy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
Maybe now you just can't conceive
Maybe now you just can't conceive
Mungkin sekarang kau tidak bisa memahami
That there'll never come a time when you're cold and lonely
That there'll never come a time when you're cold and lonely
Bahwa tidak akan pernah ada saat ketika kau kedinginan dan kesepian
Baby, how could you ever believe
Baby, how could you ever believe
Sayang, bagaimana kau bisa percaya
That another could replace me, the one and only?
That another could replace me, the one and only?
Bahwa yang lain bisa menggantikanku, yang satu-satunya?
But when your down in your time in need
But when your down in your time in need
Tetapi ketika kau terjatuh di waktu kau membutuhkan
And you're thinking 'bout how you might be coming back to hold me
And you're thinking 'bout how you might be coming back to hold me
Dan kau sedang berpikir tentang bagaimana kau bisa kembali untuk memeluk ku
Just think again because I won't need your love anymore
Just think again because I won't need your love anymore
Coba pikirkan lagi karena aku tidak membutuhkan cintamu lagi
Suatu hari nanti
Someday, ooh someday
Someday, someday
Someday, ooh someday
Suatu hari nanti, ooh suatu hari nanti
The one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
Yang kau berikan akan menjadi satu-satunya yang kau inginkanThe one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
Someday, someday
Suatu hari nanti, suatu hari nanti
Someday hey, hey
Someday, ooh someday
Someday hey, hey
Someday, someday
Someday hey, hey
Suatu hari nanti hei, hei
Boy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
Sayang, kau akan membayar karena, sayang, akulah yang mencatat skorBoy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
Someday, ooh someday
Suatu hari nanti, ooh suatu hari nanti
The one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
Yang kau berikan akan menjadi satu-satunya yang kau inginkanThe one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
Someday hey, hey
Suatu hari nanti hei, hei
Boy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
Sayang, kau akan membayar karena, sayang, akulah yang mencatat skorBoy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
Someday, someday
Suatu hari nanti, suatu hari nanti
Someday, ooh someday
Someday hey, hey
Someday, ooh someday
Suatu hari nanti, ooh suatu hari nanti
The one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
Yang kau berikan akan menjadi satu-satunya yang kau inginkanThe one you gave away will be the only one you're wishing for
Someday hey, hey
Suatu hari nanti hei, hei
Boy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
Sayang, kau akan membayar karena, sayang, akulah yang mencatat skorBoy, you're going to pay 'cause, baby, I'm the one who's keeping score
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