H.E.R. - I Can't Breathe
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H.E.R. - I Can't Breathe
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
[Verse 1]
Starting a war, screaming "Peace" at the same time
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
[Verse 1]
Starting a war, screaming "Peace" at the same time
Memulai sebuah perang, meneriakkan "Kedamaian" pada saat bersamaan
All the corruption, injustice, the same crimes
All the corruption, injustice, the same crimes
Semua korupsi, ketidakadilan, kejahatan yang sama
Always a problem if we do or don't fight
Always a problem if we do or don't fight
Selalu menjadi masalah jika kita bertengkar atau tidak
And we die, we don't have the same right
And we die, we don't have the same right
Dan kita mati, kita tidak memiliki hak yang sama
What is a gun to a man that surrenders?
What is a gun to a man that surrenders?
Apa senjata bagi pria yang menyerah?
What's it gonna take for someone to defend her?
What's it gonna take for someone to defend her?
Apa yang dibutuhkan seseorang untuk membelanya?
If we all agree that we're equal as people
If we all agree that we're equal as people
Jika kita semua setuju bahwa kita sama sebagai manusia
Then why can't we see what is evil?
Then why can't we see what is evil?
Lalu mengapa kita tidak bisa melihat apa yang jahat?
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
Aku tidak bisa bernapas
You're taking my life from me
You're taking my life from me
Kau mengambil hidup ku dari ku
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
Aku tidak bisa bernapas
Will anyone fight for me?
Will anyone fight for me?
Adakah yang akan bertarung untukku?
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
[Verse 2]
How do we cope when we don't love each other?
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
[Verse 2]
How do we cope when we don't love each other?
Bagaimana kita mengatasi ketika kita tidak saling mencintai?
Where is the hope and the empathy? (Yeah)
Where is the hope and the empathy? (Yeah)
Dimana harapan dan empati? (Ya)
How do we judge off the color?
How do we judge off the color?
Bagaimana kita menilai warnanya?
The structure was made to make us the enemy (Yeah)
The structure was made to make us the enemy (Yeah)
Strukturnya dibuat untuk menjadikan kita musuh (Ya)
Prayin' for change 'cause the pain makes you tender
Prayin' for change 'cause the pain makes you tender
Berdoa untuk perubahan karena rasa sakit membuatmu lembut
All of the names you refuse to remember
All of the names you refuse to remember
Semua nama yang kau tolak untuk diingat
Was somebody's brother, friend
Was somebody's brother, friend
Apakah saudara seseorang, teman
Or a son to a mother that's crying, singing
Or a son to a mother that's crying, singing
Atau anak dari ibu yang menangis, bernyanyi
I can't breathe
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Will anyone fight for me?
I can't breathe
Aku tidak bisa bernapas
You're taking my life from me
You're taking my life from me
Kau mengambil hidup ku dari ku
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
Aku tidak bisa bernapas
Will anyone fight for me?(Yeah)
Adakah yang akan bertarung untukku? (Yeah)Will anyone fight for me?(Yeah)
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Will anyone fight for me?
Adakah yang akan bertarung untukku?
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh (For me)
[Verse 3]
Trying times all the time
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh (For me)
[Verse 3]
Trying times all the time
Berusaha sepanjang waktu
Destruction of minds, bodies, and human rights
Destruction of minds, bodies, and human rights
Penghancuran pikiran, tubuh, dan hak asasi manusia
Stripped of bloodlines, whipped and confined
Stripped of bloodlines, whipped and confined
Dilucuti dari garis keturunan, dicambuk dan dikurung
This is the American pride
This is the American pride
Ini adalah kebanggaan Amerika
It's justifying a genocide
It's justifying a genocide
Itu membenarkan genosida
Romanticizing the theft and bloodshed
Romanticizing the theft and bloodshed
Meromantisasi pencurian dan pertumpahan darah
That made America the land of the free
That made America the land of the free
Itu membuat Amerika menjadi negeri yang merdeka
To take a black life, land of the free
To take a black life, land of the free
Untuk mengambil kehidupan kulit hitam, tanah bebas
To bring a gun to a peaceful fight for civil rights
To bring a gun to a peaceful fight for civil rights
Untuk membawa senjata ke dalam perjuangan damai untuk hak-hak sipil
You are desensitized to pulling triggers on innocent lives
You are desensitized to pulling triggers on innocent lives
Kau tidak peka untuk menarik pemicu pada kehidupan yang tidak bersalah
Because that's how we got here in the first place
Because that's how we got here in the first place
Karena begitulah cara kami sampai di sini
These wounds sink deeper than the bullet
These wounds sink deeper than the bullet
Luka ini lebih dalam dari pada peluru
Your entitled hands could ever reach
Your entitled hands could ever reach
Tanganmu yang berhak bisa menggapai
Generations and generations of pain, fear, and anxiety
Generations and generations of pain, fear, and anxiety
Generasi dan generasi kesakitan, ketakutan, dan kecemasan
Equality is walking without intuition
Equality is walking without intuition
Kesetaraan berjalan tanpa intuisi
Saying the protector and the killer is wearing the same uniform
Saying the protector and the killer is wearing the same uniform
Mengatakan pelindung dan pembunuhnya mengenakan seragam yang sama
The revolution is not televised
The revolution is not televised
Revolusi tidak disiarkan di televisi
Media perception is forced down the throats of closed minds
Media perception is forced down the throats of closed minds
Persepsi media dipaksa masuk ke tenggorokan pikiran yang tertutup
So it's lies in the headlines
So it's lies in the headlines
Jadi itu terletak di berita utama
And generations of supremacy resulting in your ignorant, privileged eyes
And generations of supremacy resulting in your ignorant, privileged eyes
Dan generasi supremasi menghasilkan mata mu yang bodoh dan istimewa
We breathe the same and we bleed the same
We breathe the same and we bleed the same
Kami bernafas sama dan kami berdarah sama
But still, we don't see the same
But still, we don't see the same
Tetapi tetap saja, kami tidak melihat hal yang sama
Be thankful we are God-fearing
Be thankful we are God-fearing
Bersyukurlah karena kami takut akan Tuhan
Because we do not seek revenge
Because we do not seek revenge
Karena kami tidak membalas dendam
We seek justice, we are past fear
We seek justice, we are past fear
Kami mencari keadilan, kami sudah melewati ketakutan
We are fed up eating your shit
We are fed up eating your shit
Kami muak memakan omong kososngmu
Because you think your so-called "black friend"
Because you think your so-called "black friend"
Karena menurut mu yang kau sebut "teman kulit hitam"
Validates your wokeness and erases your racism
Validates your wokeness and erases your racism
Memvalidasi kecerdasan mu dan menghapus rasisme mu
That kind of uncomfortable conversation is too hard for your trust-fund pockets to swallow
That kind of uncomfortable conversation is too hard for your trust-fund pockets to swallow
Percakapan tidak nyaman semacam itu terlalu sulit untuk ditelan oleh kantong dana perwalian mu
To swallow the strange fruit hanging from my family tree
To swallow the strange fruit hanging from my family tree
Menelan buah aneh yang tergantung di pohon keluargaku
Because of your audacity
Because of your audacity
Karena keberanian mu
To say all men are created equal in the eyes of God
To say all men are created equal in the eyes of God
Mengatakan bahwa semua manusia diciptakan sama di mata Tuhan
But disparage a man based on the color of his skin
But disparage a man based on the color of his skin
Tetapi meremehkan seorang pria berdasarkan warna kulitnya
Do not say you do not see color
Do not say you do not see color
Jangan katakan kau tidak melihat warna
When you see us, see us
When you see us, see us
Ktika kau melihat kami, lihat kami
We can't breathe
We can't breathe
Kami tidak bisa bernapas
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
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