MARINA - Purge the Poison
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MARINA - Purge the Poison
Writer(s) MARINA
[Verse 1]
All my friends are witches and we live in Hollywood
All my friends are witches and we live in Hollywood
Semua teman ku adalah penyihir dan kita tinggal di Hollywood
Mystical bitches makin' our own sisterhood
Mystical bitches makin' our own sisterhood
Pelacur mistis membuat persaudaraan kita sendiri
Whilst society is fallin', we are quietly reformin'
Whilst society is fallin', we are quietly reformin'
Sementara masyarakat jatuh, kita diam-diam mereformasi
Protectin' the planet, healing our own damage
Protectin' the planet, healing our own damage
Melindungi planet ini, menyembuhkan kerusakan kita sendiri
Quarantined, all alone, Mother Nature's on the phone
Quarantined, all alone, Mother Nature's on the phone
Dikarantina, sendirian, Ibu Pertiwi ada di telepon
"What have you been doing? Don't forget, I am your home
"What have you been doing? Don't forget, I am your home
“Apa yang selama ini kau lakukan? Jangan lupa, aku ini rumahmu
Virus come, fires burn, until human beings learn
Virus come, fires burn, until human beings learn
Virus datang, api membakar, sampai manusia belajar
From every disaster, you are not my master"
From every disaster, you are not my master"
Dari setiap bencana, kau bukan tuanku "
Need to purge the poison, show us our humanity
Need to purge the poison, show us our humanity
Perlu membersihkan racun, ,menunjukkan kemanusiaan kita
All the bad and good, racism and misogyny
All the bad and good, racism and misogyny
Semua yang buruk dan baik, rasisme dan kebencian terhadap wanita
Nothing's hidden anymore, capitalism made us poor
Nothing's hidden anymore, capitalism made us poor
Tidak ada yang disembunyikan lagi, kapitalisme membuat kita miskin
God, forgive America for every single war
God, forgive America for every single war
Tuhan, ampuni Amerika untuk setiap perang
Need to purge the poison from our system
Need to purge the poison from our system
Perlu membersihkan racun dari sistem kita
Until human beings listen
Until human beings listen
Hingga manusia mendengarkan
Tell me, who'd you think you are?
Tell me, who'd you think you are?
Katakan padaku, menurutmu kau ini siapa?
It's your own decision
It's your own decision
Itu keputusanmu sendiri
But your home is now your prison
But your home is now your prison
Tetapi rumah mu sekarang adalah penjara mu
You forgot that without me, you won't go far
You forgot that without me, you won't go far
Kau lupa bahwa tanpa diriku, kau tidak akan pergi jauh
Need to purge the poison from our system
Need to purge the poison from our system
Perlu membersihkan racun dari sistem kita
Until human beings listen
Until human beings listen
Hingga manusia mendengarkan
Tell me, who'd you think you are?
Katakan padaku, menurutmu kau ini siapa?Tell me, who'd you think you are?
[Verse 2]
2007, when size zero was the rage
2007, when size zero was the rage
2007, ketika ukuran nol adalah hal yang populer
Britney shaved her head and all we did was call her crazed
Britney shaved her head and all we did was call her crazed
Britney mencukur kepalanya dan yang kita lakukan hanyalah menyebutnya gila
Harvey Weinstein gone to jail, Me Too went on to unveil
Harvey Weinstein gone to jail, Me Too went on to unveil
Harvey Weinstein masuk penjara, Gerakan Me Too dilanjutkan untuk mengungkap
Truth and all its glory, the ending of a story
Truth and all its glory, the ending of a story
Kebenaran dan segala kemuliaan, akhir dari sebuah cerita
It's a New World Order, everything just falls away
It's a New World Order, everything just falls away
Ini adalah Tatanan Dunia Baru, semuanya jatuh begitu saja
Our life as we knew it now belongs to yesterday
Our life as we knew it now belongs to yesterday
Hidup kita yang kita kenal sekarang menjadi milik kemarin
Inside all the love and hate, we can now regenerate
Inside all the love and hate, we can now regenerate
Di dalam semua cinta dan kebencian, sekarang kita bisa beregenerasi
Stop how we'd been livin' every single day
Stop how we'd been livin' every single day
Hentikan bagaimana kita hidup setiap hari
Need to purge the poison from our system
Need to purge the poison from our system
I just want a world where I can see the feminine
Need to purge the poison from our system
Perlu membersihkan racun dari sistem kita
Until human beings listen
Until human beings listen
Hingga manusia mendengarkan
Tell me, who'd you think you are?
Tell me, who'd you think you are?
Katakan padaku, menurutmu kau ini siapa?
It's your own decision
It's your own decision
Itu keputusanmu sendiri
But your home is now your prison
But your home is now your prison
Tetapi rumah mu sekarang adalah penjara mu
You forgot that without me, you won't go far
Kau lupa bahwa tanpa diriku, kau tidak akan pergi jauhYou forgot that without me, you won't go far
Need to purge the poison from our system
Perlu membersihkan racun dari sistem kita
Until human beings listen
Until human beings listen
Hingga manusia mendengarkan
Tell me, who'd you think you are?
Katakan padaku, menurutmu kau ini siapa?Tell me, who'd you think you are?
I just want a world where I can see the feminine
Aku hanya ingin dunia di mana aku bisa melihat feminisme
We only make up one quarter of the government
We only make up one quarter of the government
Kita hanya membentuk seperempat dari pemerintah
Like an angel gone to hell, cast the moon under our spell
Like an angel gone to hell, cast the moon under our spell
Seperti malaikat yang pergi ke neraka, melemparkan bulan di bawah mantra kita
Ownin' female power, takin' back what's ours
Ownin' female power, takin' back what's ours
Memiliki kekuatan wanita, mengambil kembali milik kita
Earth is like a white rose, quiet cloud of petals cold
Bumi itu seperti mawar putih, awan kelopak yang tenang dingin
A place so corrupt where angel flesh and blood is sold
A place so corrupt where angel flesh and blood is sold
Tempat yang begitu korup di mana daging dan darah malaikat dijual
The feminine is born as new, studded with a diamond dew
The feminine is born as new, studded with a diamond dew
Yang feminin terlahir sebagai yang baru, bertabur embun berlian
Saw the dawn was comin', everybody knew
Saw the dawn was comin', everybody knew
Melihat fajar sudah datang, semua orang tahu
Need to purge the poison from our system
Need to purge the poison from our system
Need to purge the poison from our system
Perlu membersihkan racun dari sistem kita
Until human beings listen
Until human beings listen
Hingga manusia mendengarkan
Tell me, who'd you think you are?
Tell me, who'd you think you are?
Katakan padaku, menurutmu kau ini siapa?
It's your own decision
It's your own decision
Itu keputusanmu sendiri
But your home is now your prison
But your home is now your prison
Tetapi rumah mu sekarang adalah penjara mu
You forgot that without me, you won't go far
Kau lupa bahwa tanpa diriku, kau tidak akan pergi jauhYou forgot that without me, you won't go far
Need to purge the poison from our system
Perlu membersihkan racun dari sistem kita
Until human beings listen
Until human beings listen
Hingga manusia mendengarkan
Tell me, who'd you think you are?
Tell me, who'd you think you are?
Katakan padaku, menurutmu kau ini siapa?
It's your own decision
It's your own decision
Itu keputusanmu sendiri
But your home is now your prison
But your home is now your prison
Tetapi rumah mu sekarang adalah penjara mu
You forgot that without me, you won't go far
Kau lupa bahwa tanpa diriku, kau tidak akan pergi jauhYou forgot that without me, you won't go far
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