Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare
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Avenged Sevenfold - Nightmare
Writer(s) Zacky Vengeance, M. Shadows, Johnny Christ & Synyster Gates
[Intro] Nightmare!
Mimpi buruk!
(Now your nightmare comes to life)
(Kini mimpi burukmu menjadi kenyataan)
[Verse 1]
Dragged ya down below, down to the devil's show
Mimpi buruk!
(Now your nightmare comes to life)
(Kini mimpi burukmu menjadi kenyataan)
[Verse 1]
Dragged ya down below, down to the devil's show
Menyeretmu turun, turun ke pertunjukan setan
To be his guest forever (Peace of mind is less than never)
To be his guest forever (Peace of mind is less than never)
Menjadi tamunya untuk selama-lamanya (ketenangan pikiran tidak akan ada lagi)
Hate to twist your mind, but God ain't on your side
Hate to twist your mind, but God ain't on your side
Kebencian memenuhi pikiranmu, tetapi Tuhan tidak memihakmu
An old acquaintance severed (Burn the world your last endeavor)
An old acquaintance severed (Burn the world your last endeavor)
Seorang kenalan lama pergi menjauh (Membakar dunia adalah upaya terakhirmu)
Flesh is burning, you can smell it in the air
Flesh is burning, you can smell it in the air
Daging terbakar, Kau bisa mencium baunya di udara
'Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal (steal)
'Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal (steal)
Karena orang sepertimu memiliki jiwa yang mudah dicuri (dicuri)
So stand in line while they ink numbers in your head
So stand in line while they ink numbers in your head
Maka berbarislah ketika mereka mencetak angka di kepalamu You're now a slave until the end of time here
Sekarang kau adalah budak sampai selama-lamanya di sini
Nothing stops the madness turning, haunting, yearning pull the trigger
Tidak ada yang menghentikan kegilaan, membakar, menghantui, merindukan Tariklah pelatuk
Nothing stops the madness turning, haunting, yearning pull the trigger
Tidak ada yang menghentikan kegilaan, membakar, menghantui, merindukan Tariklah pelatuk
You should have known the price of evil
Kau seharusnya tahu harga dari kejahatan
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
Dan menyakitkan ketika tahu bahwa di siniliah tempatmu, yeah
Ooh, it's your fucking nightmare
Ooh, it's your fucking nightmare
Ooh, ini adalah mimpi burukmu
While your nightmare comes to life
While your nightmare comes to life
Ketika mimpi burukmu menjadi kenyataan
[Verse 2]
Can't wake up in sweat, 'cause it ain't over yet
Tidak bisa terbangun dengan keringat, karena itu belum berakhir
Still dancing with your demons (Victim of your own creation)
Still dancing with your demons (Victim of your own creation)
Masih menari dengan iblismu (Korban dari ciptaanmu sendiri)
Beyond the will to fight, where all that's wrong is right
Beyond the will to fight, where all that's wrong is right
Di luar keinginan untuk berkelahi, Di mana semua yang salah menjadi benar
Where hate don't need a reason (Loathing self-assassination)
Where hate don't need a reason (Loathing self-assassination)
Dimana kebencian tidak perlu alasan (Membenci pembunuhan diri)
You've been lied to just to rape you of your sight
You've been lied to just to rape you of your sight
Kau telah dibohongi hanya untuk merampas tempat tinggalmu
And now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel (feel)
And now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel (feel)
Dan sekarang mereka punya nyali untuk berkata padamu bagaimana rasanya (rasanya)
So sedated as they medicate your brain
So sedated as they medicate your brain
Begitu tenang ketika mereka mengobati pikiranmu
And while you slowly go insane they tell you:
And while you slowly go insane they tell you:
Dan ketika kau perlahan menjadi gila mereka berkata padamu
"Given with the best intentions, help you with your complications"
You should have known the price of evil
No one to call, everybody to fear
"Given with the best intentions, help you with your complications"
"Memberi dengan niat terbaik membantumu mengatasi penyakitmu"
You should have known the price of evil
Kau seharusnya tahu harga dari kejahatan
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
Dan menyakitkan ketika tahu bahwa di siniliah tempatmu, yeahAnd it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
No one to call, everybody to fear
Tidak ada orang yang bisa kau hubungi, seiap orang ketahukan
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
Nasib tragismu terlihat begitu nyata, yeah
Ooh, it's your fucking nightmare, ha, ha, ha, ha
Ooh, it's your fucking nightmare, ha, ha, ha, ha
Ooh, ini adalah mimpi burukmu
Fight (Fight!), not to fail (Fail!), not to fall (Fall!)
Fight (Fight!), not to fail (Fail!), not to fall (Fall!)
Berjuang (Berjuang!), Jangan gagal (Gagal!), Jangan jatuh (Jatuh!)
Or you'll end up like the others
Or you'll end up like the others
Atau kau akan berakhir seperti yang lain
Die (Die!), die again (Die!), drenched in sin (Sin!)
Die (Die!), die again (Die!), drenched in sin (Sin!)
Mati (Mati!), Mati lagi (Mati!), Basah kuyup dalam dosa (Dosa!)
With no respect for another, oh!
With no respect for another, oh!
Tanpa menghormati orang lain, oh!
Down (Down!), feel the fire (Fire!), feel the hate (Hate!)
Down (Down!), feel the fire (Fire!), feel the hate (Hate!)
Turun (Turun!), Rasakan apinya (Api!), Rasakan kebencian (Benci!)
Your pain is what we desire
Your pain is what we desire
Sakitmu adalah apa yang kita inginkan
Lost (Lost!), hit the wall (Wall!), watch you crawl (Crawl!)
Lost (Lost!), hit the wall (Wall!), watch you crawl (Crawl!)
Hilang (Hilang!), Menabrak dinding (Dinding!), Melihat mu merangkak (Merangkak!)
Such a replaceable liar
Such a replaceable liar
Pembohong yang bisa diganti
And I know you hear their voices (Calling from above)
And I know you hear their voices (Calling from above)
Dan aku tahu kau mendengar suara mereka (Memanggil dari atas)
And I know they may seem real (These signals of love)
And I know they may seem real (These signals of love)
Dan aku tahu mereka mungkin tampak nyata (Sinyal cinta ini)
But our life's made up of choices (Some without appeal)
But our life's made up of choices (Some without appeal)
Tetapi hidup kita terdiri dari pilihan (Beberapa tanpa banding)
They took for granted your soul
They took for granted your soul
Mereka menerima begitu saja jiwamu
And it's ours now to steal
And it's ours now to steal
Dan sekarang menjadi milik kita untuk mencuri
As your nightmare comes to life
As your nightmare comes to life
Ketika mimpi buruk mu menjadi kenyataan
You should have known the price of evil
Kau seharusnya tahu harga dari kejahatan
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
Dan menyakitkan ketika tahu bahwa di siniliah tempatmu, yeah
No one to call, everybody to fear
No one to call, everybody to fear
Tidak ada orang yang bisa kau hubungi, seiap orang ketahukan
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
Nasib tragismu terlihat begitu nyata, yeah
Ooh, it's your fucking nightmare, ha, ha, ha, ha
Ooh, it's your fucking nightmare, ha, ha, ha, ha
Ooh, ini adalah mimpi burukmu
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