Taylor Swift - Paris
dukung saya di trakteer
[Verse 1]
Your ex-friend's sister
Your ex-friend's sister
Kakak mantan temanmu
Met someone at a club and he kissed her
Met someone at a club and he kissed her
Bertemu seseorang di klub dan dia menciumnya
Turns out, it was that guy you hooked up with ages ago
Turns out, it was that guy you hooked up with ages ago
Ternyata, itu adalah pria yang kau kencani berabad-abad yang lalu
Some wannabe Z-lister
Some wannabe Z-lister
Beberapa calon pembuat sensasi
And all the outfits were terrible
And all the outfits were terrible
Dan semua pakaiannya mengerikan
2003, unbearable
2003, unbearable
2003, tak tertahankan
"Did you see the photos?"
"Did you see the photos?"
"Apakah kau melihat foto-foto itu?"
No, I didn't, but thanks, though
Tidak, aku tidak melakukannya, tetapi terima kasih
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing
Aku sangat jatuh cinta sehingga aku mungkin berhenti bernapas
No, I didn't, but thanks, though
Tidak, aku tidak melakukannya, tetapi terima kasih
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing
Aku sangat jatuh cinta sehingga aku mungkin berhenti bernapas
Drew a map on your bedroom ceiling
Gambarlah peta di langit-langit kamar tidur mu
No, I didn't see the news
No, I didn't see the news
Tidak, aku tidak melihat berita
'Cause we were somewhere else
'Cause we were somewhere else
Karena kita berada di tempat lain
Stumbled down pretend alleyways
Stumbled down pretend alleyways
Tersandung lorong-lorong kepura-puraan
Cheap wine, make believe it's champagne
Cheap wine, make believe it's champagne
Anggur murah, percaya itu sampanye
I was taken by the view
I was taken by the view
Aku terpesona oleh pemandangannya
Like we were in Paris
Like we were in Paris
Seolah kita ada di Paris
Like we were somewhere else
Like we were somewhere else
Seolah kita berada di tempat lain
Like we were in Paris, oh
Like we were in Paris, oh
Seolah kita ada di Paris, oh
We were somewhere else
We were somewhere else
Kita berada di tempat lain
[Verse 2]
Privacy sign on the door
[Verse 2]
Privacy sign on the door
Tanda privasi di pintu
And on my page and on the whole world
And on my page and on the whole world
Dan di halaman ku dan di seluruh dunia
Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours
Romance is not dead if you keep it just yours
Romantisme tidak akan mati jika kau menyimpannya itu hanya milikmu
Levitate above all the messes made
Levitate above all the messes made
Melayang di atas semua kekacauan yang dibuat
Sip quiet by my side in the shade
Sip quiet by my side in the shade
Minumlah dengan tenang di sisiku di tempat yang teduh
And not the kind that's thrown
And not the kind that's thrown
Dan bukan jenis yang akan dibuang
I mean, the kind under where a tree has grown
Maksudku, jenis di bawah tempat pohon tumbuh
I mean, the kind under where a tree has grown
Maksudku, jenis di bawah tempat pohon tumbuh
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing
Aku sangat jatuh cinta sehingga aku mungkin berhenti bernapas
Drew a map on your bedroom ceiling
Gambarlah peta di langit-langit kamar tidur mu
No, I didn't see the news
No, I didn't see the news
Tidak, aku tidak melihat berita
'Cause we were somewhere else
'Cause we were somewhere else
Karena kita berada di tempat lain
Stumbled down pretend alleyways
Stumbled down pretend alleyways
Tersandung lorong-lorong kepura-puraan
Cheap wine, make believe it's champagne
Cheap wine, make believe it's champagne
Anggur murah, percaya itu sampanye
I was taken by the view
Aku terpesona oleh pemandangannyaI was taken by the view
Like we were in Paris
Seolah kita ada di Paris
Like we were somewhere else
Like we were somewhere else
Seolah kita berada di tempat lain
Like we were in Paris, oh
Like we were in Paris, oh
Seolah kita ada di Paris, oh
We were somewhere else
Kita berada di tempat lainWe were somewhere else
I wanna brainwash you
Aku ingin mencuci otakmu
Into loving me forever
Into loving me forever
Untuk mencintaiku selamanya
I wanna transport you
I wanna transport you
Aku ingin membawa mu
To somewhere the culture's clever
To somewhere the culture's clever
Ke suatu tempat yang cerdas budayanya
Confess my truth
Confess my truth
Akui kebenaranku
In swooping, sloping, cursive letters
In swooping, sloping, cursive letters
Dalam huruf menukik, miring, kursif
Let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight
Let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight
Biarkan satu-satunya lampu yang berkedip menjadi menara di tengah malam
In my mind
In my mind
Dalam pikiranku
We drew a map on your bedroom ceiling
Kita menggambar peta di langit-langit kamar tidur mu
No, I didn't see the news
We drew a map on your bedroom ceiling
Kita menggambar peta di langit-langit kamar tidur mu
No, I didn't see the news
Tidak, aku tidak melihat berita
'Cause we were somewhere else
'Cause we were somewhere else
Karena kita berada di tempat lain
In an alleyway, drinking champagne
Di sebuah gang, minum sampanye
'Cause we were in Paris
In an alleyway, drinking champagne
Di sebuah gang, minum sampanye
'Cause we were in Paris
Karena kita berada di Paris
Yes, we were somewhere else
Yes, we were somewhere else
Ya, kita berada di tempat lain
My love, we were in Paris
My love, we were in Paris
Cintaku, kita berada di Paris
Yes, we were somewhere else
Yes, we were somewhere else
Ya, kita berada di tempat lain
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